How Ecommerce Businesses Outsource Customer Support for Increased Returns

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The eCommerce industry has come a long way since COVID-19 was first detected in late 2019. More and more businesses are shifting to selling their products and services online.

According to McKinsey & Company, 2030% of businesses moved online during the height of the pandemic. This has posed challenges for the industry, as more customers move their shopping habits online. eMarketer reports that brand loyalty has suffered due to supply chain disruptions, and it has become increasingly difficult to win back customers.

Now more than ever, quality customer support should be at the forefront of any eCommerce strategy to mitigate the challenges caused by the industry boom. 

How Do Ecommerce Businesses Outsource?

Processes & Tasks that can be Outsourced

The first step is identifying the processes and tasks that should be kept in-house, and ones that can be outsourced. Almost anything can be done by professional customer service agents and virtual assistants nowadays, but to keep things simple, focus on time-consuming or repetitive tasks that keep your business from innovating.

Here are some tasks that can be outsourced:

Opening Channels for Customer Engagement

Having only one channel for communication with customers means that you’re missing out on sales and increased brand loyalty. Most eCommerce companies that outsource look at BPOs that have multi-channel support: customer service through phone, email, and chat.

Social commerce is also an emerging trend to watch out for. Statista projects that, by 2025, social buyers will make up 5% of total eCommerce sales. Having experienced customer service agents handle your social media inquiries can boost your customer return rate.  

Best Practices for Ecommerce Outsourcing

A common problem for newly-online businesses is setting up customer relationship management (CRM) systems. Outsourcing is one of the best ways to circumvent these problems. A full-service BPO partner can help you:

  • Bring down overhead costs
  • Add a personal touch to your brand by having live agents communicate with your customers
  • Hire, train, and manage staff at no extra cost to you

Overall Benefits of Outsourcing​

The industry boom has also made it difficult to stand out among your competitors. This is why eCommerce businesses should focus on product, service, and brand development. Aside from being cost-effective, outsourcing can help you focus on these core functions, instead of spending time on small tasks. 

Pac Biz helps eCommerce businesses in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia build a more profitable business model with a customer experience-focused approach. See how we can help your business today »

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